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        ISH China & CIHE set to return between 12 – 14 May 2021
        2021/6/22 17:31:05

        3 Nov 2020

        ISH China & CIHE – China’s leading international trade fair for Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning, Sanitation & Home Comfort Systems has confirmed the dates and venue for its 2021 edition as 12 – 14 May at the New China International Exhibition Center in Beijing. The show will once again present fairgoers with trend setting HVAC, plumbing, smart heating and home comfort technologies and products in the Chinese and wider Asian markets. This edition will hone in on three new themes: Energy, Water and Life, which are in line with China’s national development strategies. In total, the fair is expected to welcome over 1,300 exhibitors across 116,000 sqm of exhibition space.

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