        Opening of the Exhibition - Countdown00天 00時(shí) 00分 00秒
        2021/6/23 10:45:15

        Facts & figures

        Asia’s top-notch trading platform for tapping into China’s HVAC market

        The Chinese government has been promoting clean energy heating steadily to ensure blue skies and clean air for the country. Relevant environmental initiatives provide a positive push for China’s HVAC industry to thrive. Technologies developed for catering regional variations and utilising multi-energy systems will further accelerate industry innovation. China’s HVAC industry is moving towards a cleaner, more comfortable, innovative future with diverse energy solutions.

        ISH China & CIHE is an efficient trade platform for overseas exhibitors to extend their reach to business partners from around the world, gain access to latest market intelligence and raise brand awareness in China. The fair is headed by the biennial ISH event in Frankfurt, Germany, which is the world’s leading trade fair for HVAC + Water.

        Fair facts

        Exhibition date

        ?9– 11 May 2022

        Exhibition venue

        New China International Exhibition Center, Beijing, China

        Exhibition space

        95,000 sqm (2021)

        Number of visitors

        69,243 (2021)

        Number of exhibitors? ?

        980 (2021)

        Opening times



        9 May (Mon)

        09:00 – 17:00

        10 May (Tue)

        09:00 – 17:00

        11 May (Wed)

        09:00 – 14:30

        Product groups

        HVAC product & technology

        ·???????? Boiler, wall-hung boiler, water heater and accessory
        - Burner
        - Heat Exchanger
        - Detector
        - Water Pump

        ·???????? Radiator and accessory

        ·???????? Floor heating and accessory

        ·???????? Ventilation, air-conditioning

        ·???????? Solar, biomass energy heating

        ·???????? Instruments and heating information services??

        ·???????? Heat pump and dryer

        ·???????? Pump, valve, pipe

        ·???????? Capillary network and ceiling radiant heating

        ·???????? Others



        Intelligent Control


        ·?????????Sensor, thermostat, controller, actuator

        ·??????????Network control system

        ·?????????Wireless control system

        ·?????????Cloud platform technology and solutions

        ·?????????Heating control system

        ·?????????Central air-conditioning control system

        ·?????????Fresh air and air purification control system

        ·?????????Intelligent energy-saving products

        ·?????????Control system software and accessory


        Home Comfort


        ·?????????Fresh air system

        ·?????????Water purification

        ·?????????Air purification

        ·?????????Intelligent Household


        Plumbing – Building water supply & drainage


        ·?????????Pipe & installation technology

        ·?????????Commercial & domestic pump

        ·?????????Valve & actuator

        ·?????????Water purification equipment

        ·?????????Fluid meter

        ·?????????Rainwater drainage and harvesting technology

        ·?????????Same floor drainage technology

        ·?????????Building fire-fighting equipment

        ·?????????Grease separation system

        ·?????????Waterscape equipment

        ·?????????Design software

        ·?????????Technical detection and certification


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